Wow, what a busy, but Wonderful Holiday! We had family here from Greenville and Atlanta, and I loved it. My brother in law fried the turkey, and although I was born and raised in South Carolina, this was my first fried turkey. Pretty darn good! My sweet Madi turned 5 on the 27th, along with my nephew Braden who turned 13, and my Mom turned @% on the 29th! My mom left on her Birthday to head back to Greenville, so I did not get any pictures, but I hate she spent the day on I-95! Sorry Mom, but I was so glad to have you here!
The Birthday loot! Braden is having a huge party with a DJ when he gets back to Atlanta, so that's why he has no gifts to unwrap, and we gave him $, so that's already in his pocket:)
The "other" Canamare kidsBraden, Ava and Gavin
St.Augustine, FL
Canamare clanSt.Augustine the day after Turkey Day

Birthday boy and girl
Miss Allie loved the cake
My sister-in-law Nicole with her teenage son!!!
My daughter Ashlyn, who thinks she is a teenager!