Monday, June 30, 2008
Calling all pregnant women...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
On the farm at my sister's!
I'm back!!

What an awesome 2 weeks! There is nothing better than spending time with family! I had a ball and it was so hard to leave! Of course I missed my husband, but I really could have stayed another week! I am planning on going back at the end of July! We had a great drive- 10 hrs, and the kids were wonderful! The only draw back of the trip was that my brother-in laws niece backed in to my car and did a pretty good amount of damage. Oh well, that is why we have insurance.
The Aiken family reunion was great, and it was so nice to see all of my cousins and my Crazy 5 aunts! They are crazy too!! Madi stayed by the food table most of the day! I think she took a bite out of every piece of watermelon! Here are some pics from the family reunion! There are 15 grandkids and 22 great grandkids! WOW!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Having a Ball!
Send some prayers my way, because I have got to get this weight off! It is really depressing me! YUK!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Packed and ready!
Yucky shots!!!!
Poor sweet girl got her shots today! Needless to say, she was not a happy camper! I do believe that she is going to take after her Daddy! Allie is 90% in height (Bill is 6'4) and 40% in weight! She weighs 11.1 lbs and is perfectly healthy! Thank you God for the great report! Look at those chunky little legs! I could just eat her up!!!
Soccer Camp
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
No way can I make this one a Tiger!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Soccer for my prissy girl????
Well to my surprise we signed Madi up for soccer camp, and she loves it! I was shocked to see how much she loved it! We got her pink cleats, a pink soccer ball, and she was pumped!! The first scrimmage she scored 2 goals! Bill went nuts! He played soccer in high school, so this is a dream for him! Especially since clearly he is not getting a boy!
I do not see how those kids do it! They are out there from 9-12! The coaches are really good about sitting them down w/ water, giving them Popsicles and even taking a break for the water fans! Madi loved those! They spray out cold water! I did not get any action shots, but I will tomorrow, because she will have her uniform! They had to special order a XXS for her. She is the youngest one out there, and they are supposed to be 4 yrs old, but her Daddy pulled some strings!
While Madi was in soccer camp, I took the other 3 girls to the pool! Holy cow! I had to pull a wagon for all the crap I had to carry! I was spoiled back home w/ the pool in our back yard! Oh how I miss it!!! Allie did great! She slept the entire time so that was perfect, and Ashlyn and Mallory played great! I met 3 nannies sitting out there! Maybe I can steal one! HAHA I thought I had a nanny, but she is not going to work out. She is too busy with her other job, so we could never find times that worked for both of us! I will be back tomorrow scoping out the pool for my new nanny! I'm so bad!!!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Fun in the fountain
After we got home and I put the girls down for their naps, I took Ashlyn to Downtown Disney. We went to Pleasure Island 24 to see Indiana Jones. It was OK.
It was her special day because she made all A's on her report card! Ashlyn has also been accepted into the gifted program next year! They tested her last month and her IQ was 139 and her reading level was 6.4! That means she reads on a sixth grade level in the 4th month of a school year! She is in 2nd grade! Way to go little A! SHE GETS IT FROM HER MOMMY! Ashlyn placed 3rd in the Spelling Bee out of 25 kids! My girl! Sorry I don't have pics from Downtown Disney, but I left the camera in the diaper bag at the house, but her are some pics from the fountain! I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Thursday, June 5, 2008

This picture below is when we lived in Charlotte, NC. It was a black tie dinner to meet the entire Bobcats Basketball team. Dinner, dancing, and an auction for team signed jerseys, balls ect. It was awesome! My husbands company were sponsors of the team, so we sat court side at the games and met numerous players and stars. I miss those games! Anyway, my point was that I need to get back to that size! Does anyone have any good diet plans that have WORKED! I know, like my husband always tells me," it is all about your diet,what you eat and what you drink"! I already gave up my coffee, OK, my creamer! My coffee looked like milk, so I knew that had to go! Way too much sugar intake every day! I have a treadmill in my garage that I could do when the girls take naps, but what if I pass out from heat exhaustion! No one will find me until my husband gets home at 7, who would pick up Ashlyn from school, get Mallory up from her nap, feed Allie Grace when she wakes up? That can't happen! I could move it inside, but where in the world am I going to put that huge monstrosity! I better find a place, or my rear is just going to keep growing! I already have not worn shorts since high school!(truth, just ask my family! Hubby has never seen me in shorts) In FL, can you imagine how this is working out for me!!!??Bill has lost 35 lbs and I think, I know, I found those 35lbs! Well, I am done feeling sorry for myself! Sorry about the down post, it is just one of those days!!! This is a terrible picture, but it is actually a picture of the picture! It is now on my fridge!!!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Chalkboards to go!
Spoiled Grandkids
Fort Meyers, FL
her website is
Go to Home & Gifts and then they are listed under Creative Toys $22.00
Sorry, but I don't know how to do the link thingy! Is it pretty easy?
94 degrees at 10:00 a.m.
It was way too hot to play outside this morning, so the girls found some fun ways to beat the heat indoors! Bill would have died knowing the water was running for about 35 min.! Opps!
Allie Grace did not want to participate in the "big bow party"! How funny are those huge bows on those little heads!