Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Atleast she got the bow
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Definitely not Mia Hamm
Look how big that XS is on her. That is just precious!
A little boy got the ball from her, so she screams," How rude!" Bill and I just looked at each other like, Oh man, this is not going to be good. Well then, she sits criss cross apple sauce in the middle of the field and starts crying! Not the future Mia Hamm Bill was hoping for, but it was cute, only because it lasted about 5 secs. She got a look from her Daddy (AKA Coach B), and she pulled it together and jumped up and started playing soccer!
After the game, SNACK TIME! A big thumbs up for that! Can you tell Mallory enjoyed the orange slices during the game? Just check out the dress! Oh well, they are just clothes, and she had fun. That is all that matters.
It was so hot, so as soon as we got home and got changed we went out for lunch and ice cream!
Don't ask me what Mallory is thinking with that crazy smile. That child kills me with her facial expressions! Another great weekend.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008

This is my wonderful mom and my beautiful sister with Ashlyn at her b-day party! I can not believe my first born daughter is already 9! Time really does fly by!

This was a very busy weekend, and I will post those pictures in the morning!
My husband Bill had a birthday on Friday, and because I wasn't feeling too hot, he went and picked up his own cake. I know, that is pitiful, but I felt really yucky. Saturday we woke up and went to Fun Spot and rode rides for 3 hrs, came home, and Bill took the big girls to the pool. Mommy stayed home with Allie and took a nap, plus the pool would require a bathing suit. Not happening people! Maybe after boot camp I will do that, but not now! Sunday we went to church and to lunch at Celebration Town Tavern (our favorite weekend spot) and then Bill took the girls to see Elmo Grows Up at UCF. They had a ball and were back in time to see the Cowboys beat the Packers! Good weekend!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
What a morning!
When I told Mallory to go upstairs and get her shoes, this is exactly how she came downstairs while yelling," I weady,I weady to go Mama!" Look at that belly!! Too sweet!
When it was time to go get Madi I pushed the double stroller and carried Allie Grace in this:
I did a post not so long ago on my wonderful double stroller, well, I do love it BUT, if I hear any more of this I will scream: Don't touch me! Keep your feet on your side Mallory! That is my strap! Give me my sippy cup! My hand was here first!
What a morning!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
What have I done?
Neighborhood houses

Soccer practice
Watching their big sister practice.
After soccer practice they headed straight for the playground. Emily's mom pushed them forever on that tire swing!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Saturdays in the South

These precious Tigers Willie and Cooper, belong to my cousins Jessica and Amanda (both Clemson grads-you go girls)!

I found this picture of my sister and me right before a home game. How funny! We rode to every home game in "Big Orange". That was our big orange Blazer. What great memories! Now my sister is a Gamecock! YUK. She will love this picture!

Sunday, September 14, 2008
A fun Saturday
They know exactly what they are doing by making you drag kids through the candy filled store to get to the table! After buying our wonderful Wood Wicker Pumpkin Pie candle,4 Christmas ornaments, Halloween bowl,and candy, we went here:
We decided at the last minute to do Fun Spot and they were clearly not dressed for it but who cares, they had a ball!
Now off to bed for a nap! They love racing upstairs, and I could not resist the picture. They race up on their hands and knees and I had just taken off their dresses to put on nap clothes! Too sweet!